Scientists have declared the benefits of watching TV

Scientists suggest that watching TV can be beneficial if you watch it right. According to the work of Martin Seligman, a leading positive psychology researcher at the University of Pennsylvania, positive emotions are one of the building blocks of well-being. Therefore, it makes sense to watch more positive TV shows and movies to increase positive emotions.

According to Barbara Fredrickson, a psychologist at the University of North Carolina, positive emotions can have a long-term and sustainable effect on well-being.

Positive emotions also directly affect the body. One compelling study demonstrated that positive emotions can “neutralize” the negative effects of unpleasant physical symptoms associated with emotions, such as stress or anxiety.

In this study, participants' baseline heart rate (HR) was measured before they were put into an anxiety state where they were asked to prepare a speech on an unknown topic. After that, the participants were randomly played an excerpt from the film that triggers fun, pleasure, neutral emotions, or sadness.

After watching, the participants' heart rate was measured again. The researchers found that those who experienced fun and pleasure after watching, the heart rate returned to the original value much faster than the participants who experienced neutral or negative emotions.

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Author: alex

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