Scientists have determined how many hours you need to sleep per day

A new study by scientists from Peking University showed that lack or excess of sleep is equally bad for the brain. As part of the work, an indicator of four hours or less per day was considered insufficient sleep, and an excess of 10 hours or more.

As a result, the scientists came to the figure of seven hours. According to them, this is an ideal indicator.

“People with insufficient or excessive sleep should monitor their cognitive functions,” says study author Yangjun Ma from the Clinical Research Institute of Peking University.

However. Ma cautioned that the study does not prove that too much or too little sleep causes cognitive problems. There is only a connection.

Without enough sleep, the brain cannot function properly, which impairs concentration, thinking and memory. But the mechanisms underlying these associations remain unclear. According to Ma, the problem with too much sleep may be inflammation.

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Author: alex

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