Scientists have determined how many people in the world constantly want sex
Sexual obsession is more common among men and women than scientists previously assumed.
A new study by the American University of Minnesota showed that 10% of men and 7% of women cannot normally control their sexual thoughts and urges.
Scientists noted that when the topic of sex comes to the fore in people's thoughts, it negatively affects everyday life and work, and has a destructive effect on a person.
The researchers emphasized that sexual obsession affects various groups, especially sexual and racial minorities, in different proportions. Therefore, this phenomenon may have different causes and development scenarios.
We add that sexual obsession is sometimes called hypersexuality, but this disorder is not recognized by science and is not included in the list of mental and sexual disorders. But psychiatrists express concerns that the number of victims of this disorder is increasing, and in some countries of the world, including the USA, special rehabilitation centers for the treatment of sexual obsession are being opened.
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