Scientists have determined the effect of meditation on heart health

A team of American scientists conducted a study to determine how meditation affects the human body. It turned out that they have a positive effect on the health of the heart.

A few years ago, experts began to suggest that meditation can affect the cardiovascular system. In this regard, a group of doctors from the United States of America, led by Dr. Chaikrit Kittanavong, decided to conduct a scientific study. They studied in detail the results of surveys in which more than 61 thousand Americans took part, 10% of whom turned out to be supporters of meditation. As a result, scientists managed to find out that the latter suffer less from high cholesterol, pressure, diabetes, strokes, and coronary heart disease. It is noteworthy that meditators suffered from the latter disease 14-35% less often than the rest of the respondents.

As the lead author of the study noted in one of his recent interviews, the above diseases are influenced by other factors, including age, overweight and bad habits. According to Chaikrit Kittanavong, meditation gives a sense of peace, tranquility, helps reduce stress and improves the general emotional state. That is why he urges to regularly devote time to this.

Experts claim that the results of this scientific work are inaccurate and require additional research. They explained this by the fact that the information used did not have data on specific types of meditation. Experts do not rule out that some method can have a greater effect on the cardiovascular system, and some less.

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Author: alex

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