Scientists have discovered a fruit effective against leukemia

Leukemia (leukemia) is a malignant (neoplastic) disease of the hematopoietic system , in which there is an uncontrolled accumulation of immature white blood cells in the bone marrow and various organs. Leukemias include a large group of diseases with different etiology.

Toxic drugs are used for treatment, which can lead to the death of the patient. Therefore, scientists are trying to find harmless substances to fight this serious disease.

So, in the journal Blood, it is reported that a group of scientists from the United States and Canada, led by Paul Spagnolo from the University of Guelph, discovered that avocados have anti-cancer properties. According to the scientists' findings, the fruit inhibits the enzyme VLCAD, which promotes the growth of cancer cells in leukemia.

“This is the first time that VLCAD has been identified by us as a target in the fight against cancer,” Spagnolo emphasized.


In particular, it was found that avocados contain avocatin B. It is this that can suppress an enzyme that is critical for the growth of cancer cells. Previously, avocatin B had already undergone clinical trials as a supplement for the treatment of diabetes.

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Author: alex

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