Scientists have discovered a link between longevity and green tea

Scientists conducted a large-scale study, to discover the best hot drink of longevity. The results surprised the scientists. It turned out that the favorite variety of tea reduces the risk of death from any disease by 62%.

The scientific article was published in the journal of the American Heart Association Stroke. According to her, such an indicator was observed in Japanese people who survived a stroke. It is important that they drank at least seven cups of green tea a day.

Coffee has similar properties. It reduces the probability of a fatal outcome by 22%. At the same time, its quantity is very limited. In particular, it is allowed to drink no more than one cup a day.

It is noted that in the study scientists compared the consumption of green tea and coffee among 46 thousand people in 45 communities in Japan. The age of the experiment participants was from 40 to 79 years. Some of them have already experienced a heart attack or stroke, some have not.

In Japanese people who do not suffer from heart disease, the risk of death after drinking green tea decreased by 14%. As the scientists noted, the manifestations of diabetes also decreased. They said the same about coffee, but after it, subjects had increased blood pressure.

Researchers said they will continue to study this issue. They hope to find a remedy that will prolong life, as Japan's population ages rapidly.

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Author: alex

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