Scientists have discovered a method that can slow down aging

Maintaining a normal level of iron in the blood is one of the key factors in slowing down aging and increasing life expectancy.

An international team of researchers from the University of Edinburgh came to this conclusion in Great Britain and the Max Planck Institute for the Biology of Aging in Germany, reports Science and Technology Daily.

Scientists analyzed the genetic data of 1.75 million people from three publicly available databases.

They focused on three indicators associated with the aging of the body: the total natural life expectancy, the duration of active life, that is, without serious diseases, and longevity.

The team identified ten regions of the genome associated with the three indicators listed above. The study states that genes related to iron clearly stood out in the analysis of all three indicators of aging.

Scientists believe that genes involved in the metabolism of iron in the blood are partly responsible for a healthy long life .

At the same time, an abnormally high or too low level of iron with age can lead to Parkinson's disease, liver diseases and a decrease in the body's ability to resist infections.

As the scientists noted, the most vulnerable to the risk of iron deficiency anemia of infants, pregnant women and women. Women are generally more prone to iron deficiency due to menstruation, weight loss and other factors.

“An excess of iron is no less dangerous than its deficiency. An increased level of iron in the blood can lead to inflammation of tissues, damage to organs and disruption of the hematopoietic system,” the article says.

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Author: alex

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