Scientists have discovered a new organ in human skin


it sometimes makes us feel pain. And its detection will help doctors to ease the condition of millions of patients.

scientists have found the organ in the skin through which people may experience pain. Until recently, experts believed that nerve fibers in the skin were responsible for recognizing unpleasant stimuli such as injections or burns. However, a team of researchers from the Carolinsky Institute in Sweden found a sponge -like organ inside a skin consisting of glial cells. And this body has not even got the name. Glyal cells are surrounded by structures similar to hairs, and it is believed that they are very sensitive to external stimuli.

When in laboratory mice the whole network of cells has been blocked, then their sensitivity to pain has decreased significantly, according to researchers. They hope that the data they obtained will help experts not only to better understand the mechanisms of chronic pain, but also to develop new treatments that will come to the rescue of millions of people. The study demonstrated that the sensitivity to pain is not caused exclusively by nerve fibers of the skin, but arises from this newly detected organ.

Thus, this discovery changes the understanding of cellular mechanisms . This is called pain that lasts more than three months. In the UK alone, about 28 million people face it, as statistics show.

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Author: alex

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