Scientists have discovered a new risk factor for early death

One more was added to the already known risk factors of premature death – low level of omega-3 fatty acids. According to scientists, this indicator has the same importance as smoking. The conclusion was made based on the results of the new stage of the Framingham Heart Study, which started in the USA in 1948.

The omega-3 index among biomarkers is more clearly associated with a reduction in the risk of cardiovascular diseases, according to an analysis of data from 2,500 participants in aged from 66 to 73 years. The scientists' report was published in the Journal of the American Nutrition Society. First of all, polyunsaturated fatty acids are meant: eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic. They are found in various types of fish, algae oil and in food supplements.

“Smoking and the omega-3 index are the most easily modifiable risk factors. According to the latest model, smoking removes more than four years of life, which is equivalent to shortening the life of a low omega-3 index,” said the author of the article, Dr. Michael McBurney.

Those whose omega-3 levels were high, have about 33% less risk of death in the following years, scientists report. The optimal indicator of fatty acids is 8% and more, low – less than 4%. Now the researchers intend to find out how taking a food supplement with omega-3 will affect the obtained data.

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Author: alex

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