Scientists have discovered an unexpected benefit from drinking beer

Beer, like all alcoholic or low-alcohol beverages without exception, has the status of a product harmful to the body. However, as scientists recently found out, with its moderate use, it can have a positive effect on the condition of bones.

This conclusion was made by researchers from the University of Berlin. According to them, beer, when consumed in moderation, can significantly reduce the fragility of the bone structure, actually strengthening the skeleton. Among other things, barley derivatives contribute to reducing the risk of developing such a common “age-related” disease as osteoporosis. This ailment provokes increased bone fragility, affects the musculoskeletal system and even leads to significant destruction of tooth enamel.

As scientists have found out, barley contains a large amount of collagen. It is this feature that allows the drink to saturate the body with this compound, which is able to effectively restore damaged areas of not only bones, but also joints. According to scientists, despite their discoveries, not all types of beer will be equally useful for bones. They found out, for example, that the composition of light beer contains a much larger amount of collagen than in dark varieties.

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Author: alex

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