Scientists have discovered new drugs for dementia

Scientists from the universities of York and Sheffield in Great Britain determined that drugs for other diseases help in the fight against dementia and motor neuron diseases. It has low toxicity and can prolong the life of patients with frontotemporal dementia (PTD), experts note.

They identified new proteins that protect neurons in the brain and found that ursodeoxycholic acid increases the amount of this protein and protects neurons from death, reports News Medical. Traditionally, the acid is used for cirrhosis of the liver.

The study authors intend to continue their work to find out exactly how ursodeoxycholic acid protects neurons, and whether more targeted drugs can be developed to treat LTD and a number of other neurodegenerative conditions.< /p>

LTD affects the frontal and temporal lobes of the brain. Unlike other forms of dementia, which usually affect people over the age of 65, LVD occurs at an earlier age – most cases are noted in people aged 45-65, scientists report. According to experts, half of patients with LTD have relatives with the same disease. According to researchers, there are nine genes that contribute to the development of LTD.

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Author: alex

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