Scientists have discovered the best way to increase brain performance

Scientists from the Medical Center of the University of Freiburg decided to find out , which type of rest is most effective for brain recovery. To do this, they conducted an experiment with the participation of 66 people.

They were divided into three groups. The first watched a video and played table tennis for an hour. The other was sleeping all this time. The latter did nothing, just stayed in a darkened room without external stimuli.

As a result, it turned out that brain productivity increased the most in the second group, where the participants slept. Scientists explain that this is related to the typical activity of the brain during deep sleep. As the experiment showed, it performs an important function for the communication of nerve cells.

Researchers concluded that sleep is more than rest for the brain. “Sleep is indispensable for brain recovery. It cannot be replaced by periods of rest to improve performance. The state of the brain during sleep is unique,” said Professor Christoph Nissen of the University of Bern, who led the study.

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Author: alex

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