Scientists have discovered the effect of one spice on life expectancy

It is no secret that the key to longevity is a healthy lifestyle. You can significantly extend the years of your existence on Earth by giving up bad habits, following proper nutrition, regular exercise and getting enough sleep.

In recent years, special attention has been paid to nutrition and how certain foods affect the body. Scientists are constantly searching for better dietary solutions to slow down aging. Experts from McGill University in Montreal explained that aging increases susceptibility to various diseases. To prevent them, one spice has a number of advantages.

Turmeric has antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties. It is also available as supplements. Turmeric will eliminate the growth of cancer cells, and can also be effective in the treatment of multiple sclerosis, kidney disease, metabolic syndrome (a combination of diabetes, hypertension, and obesity).

A person affected by the disease is less likely to live to old age, therefore, it is worth taking a step on the way to preventing ailments right now. This can be done by adding not only turmeric to the diet, but also more vegetables and fruits.

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Author: alex

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