Scientists have established how a healthy lifestyle helps prevent cancer
Healthy Lifestyle helps not only strengthen the cardiovascular system, but is also a means of preventing cancer. Such results were obtained by American and Dutch scientists after studying data on more than 20,000 people.
As reported by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the research was conducted by several scientific centers, including representatives of the Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH). They analyzed the data obtained earlier in other works that lasted for decades.
Scientists received a rich base for comparison. In the participants of the study, the level of obesity, cholesterol, blood pressure, the rate of atherosclerosis of blood vessels and more were recorded. In addition, cases of cancer during the experiment, as well as information about lifestyle, were entered into the database.
Having collected these data together, the researchers found that gender, age, and smoking influence the probability of cardiovascular diseases , as well as the formation of cancerous tumors. The risk of getting an oncological disease turned out to be the lowest among those who led a healthy lifestyle: monitored weight, blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar levels, led an active lifestyle and did not smoke.
“We found a connection between a heart-healthy lifestyle and a lower risk of cancer. The opposite is true: a less heart-healthy lifestyle is associated with a higher risk of cancer,” said study leader Emily Lau, MD.
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