Scientists have established how palm oil can affect the development of cancer
The high concentration of fatty acids contained in palm oil affects the spread of malignant cells.
Spanish biological researchers representing the Barcelona Institute of Science and Technology have come to the conclusion that palmitic acid is part of palm oil. acid can act as an activator of the spread of cancer cells.
Checking how palm oil can affect the development of cancer, scientists used the fatty acids contained in it in their experiments – with their high doses, they affected human tumor cells, which were later transferred to the body of mice.
The experiment revealed a dangerous effect characteristic of one of the acids – palmitic acid. Under its influence, cancer cells became highly metastatic. The scientists stated that “the substance caused the development of metastases of cancer of the oral cavity and skin in rodents, although it did not affect the appearance of the tumors themselves.”
Other fatty acids of the oil (omega-9, omega-6) have a similar effect was not detected.
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