Scientists have explained how hard partying in youth can affect health later in life

Scientists have stated that partying hard in youth increases the risk of heart problems later in life by 9 times.

About this with reference to research, published in Heart magazine. 1.1 million people in the US took part in it, according to the report.

Experts compared the consumption of alcohol, drugs and cigarettes with the frequency of heart attacks and strokes and found that the more substances used for recreation, the higher the risk. premature heart diseases.

The relationship between the occurrence of diseases and the consumption of the specified substances in women was particularly noticeable.

In total, early heart diseases were diagnosed in 143,319 people among all study participants: when a heart attack , angina or stroke are diagnosed before age 55 in men or 65 in women.

For those who regularly used four or more substances, the risk of these problems was nine times higher.

It turned out that users of cocaine, cannabis and other drugs are almost two and a half times more likely to develop premature heart disease, and users of amphetamines are almost three times more likely than non-users of such substances.

< According to the study, smokers were almost twice as likely to suffer from premature heart disease. Among drinkers, the figure was 50%.

“We're only young once, and we should do everything in our power to keep it that way for as long as possible,” said the lead author. research by Dr. Anthony Wayne Orr from Louisiana State University in the USA.

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Author: alex

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