Scientists have explained the function of caddis and its absence in women

Scientists explained the function of the caddis in men and explained why it is absent in women. This appendage, which protects ligaments, can sometimes be seen in women of the weaker sex.

Experts call the bulge in the front of the neck “Adam's apple”. The cartilaginous element got its name from the biblical story in the Garden of Eden. A piece of the forbidden fruit stuck in Adam's throat is a confirmation of this event in the form of a cadmium. This bulge is present in all men, unlike women, as the anatomy of the female body differs from that of men. In boys, unlike girls, the larynx develops differently. Testosterone increases, the vocal cords become longer, and the voice becomes low-pitched.

A compact cartilaginous process under the skin protects the ligaments from external damage. Girls also develop their larynx and ligaments, but not as intensively. In ladies, the voice is higher, at the same time, in some of them, the formation of a caddy may occur. Anatomical anomalies, genetic features, and hormonal failure that occurred during the girl's puberty can lead to the formation of a small cadaque.

Physiologically, this protrusion is as important a cartilaginous element as the auricles or the nose. Some men remove the bulge on the neck with the help of surgeons, as it has large dimensions.

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Author: alex

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