Scientists have explained which hair color increases the risk of cancer
According to the study, women who use permanent hair dye at home are not at increased risk of most types of cancer. However, there is a small increase for some species. It was also found that natural hair color affects the probability of developing one or another cancer.
Scientists analyzed the data of 117,000 women from Boston, USA. At the beginning of the study, the participants did not have cancer, and they were followed for 36 years. As a result, it turned out that the use of hair dye did not increase the risk of bladder, brain, colon, kidney, lung, blood and immune system cancers. Most skin and breast cancers were also included in the list.
However, some increased risk was reported for basal cell skin cancer. At the same time, this risk was higher in women who naturally have blonde hair.
Increased risk was recorded for three types of breast cancer: with estrogen receptor-negative, progesterone receptor-negative and hormone receptor-negative, and also for ovarian cancer. At the same time, the risk increased depending on the total number of dyes used by women.
An increased risk of Hodgkin's lymphoma was also observed with the use of permanent hair dye, but only in women who naturally have dark hair.
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