Scientists have explained why a person can develop depression

Depression, similar to post-traumatic stress disorder disorder, may appear after some diseases or traumatic events.

Scientists from the CDC said that the state of depression is characterized by certain symptoms that indicate a person's psycho-emotional depression, lack of motivation to lead an active lifestyle, negative perception the surrounding world.

“A person gives up activities that used to bring pleasure. Feels a sense of guilt, worthlessness or helplessness. He becomes irritable or apathetic, suffers from insomnia, stops eating normally.”

Why can a person develop depression? Experts noted that the tendency to this mental disorder can be increased by a number of factors. Speaking about the most frequent causes, they highlighted the following:

  • change in brain functions
  • family cases of depression
  • stressful life circumstances
  • social disadvantage: poverty, lack of access to proper medical care.

Sometimes depression is a symptom of a bad heart condition.

“Depression can develop after heart disease, including heart failure, after a stroke and heart attack”, the doctors summarized.

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Author: alex

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