Scientists have explained why it is dangerous to force yourself to eat during infections

Scientists from the USA, based on the results of the study, explained why during viral infections a person does not need to force himself to eat. The conclusions were drawn by specialists from Yale University.

When infected with a viral infection, a person feels weak, spends a lot of time in sleep and loses his appetite. For a long time, it remained unclear why the body refuses to eat when it feels the need for strength and energy.

It turned out that the whole thing is in the process of restructuring the metabolic program. The human body switches to fat absorption and the production of ketone acids, which are necessary to fight the flu and other infections.

During the experiment, scientists force-fed laboratory mice. As a result, it turned out that a forced meal can cause a fatal outcome, even if it is only 20% of the usual diet. The authors of the work indicated that the ketogenic program is a necessity, because it helps to survive an acute inflammatory reaction.

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Author: alex

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