Scientists have found 23 simple foods that get rid of hangovers

A hangover is the body's reaction to drinking too much alcohol. Its symptoms include fatigue and nausea, headache, sensitivity to light, and dizziness. It became known which products can alleviate the condition.

Alcohol blocks the production of a hormone that helps the body retain water, leading to dehydration and loss of electrolytes such as potassium and sodium. Bananas are especially rich in potassium and can help replenish the body's reserves. One medium banana contains 12% of the recommended daily value of this nutrient.

Chicken eggs are rich in cysteine, an amino acid for the production of the antioxidant glutathione. Drinking alcohol reduces its reserves in the body. Eggs, rich in cysteine, are a great way to boost glutathione levels and possibly ease hangover symptoms, experts say.

Watermelon is also included in the list of products that help with hangovers. Since headaches in this condition are usually caused by dehydration and reduced blood flow to the brain, watermelon can help. This summer product is rich in L-citrulline, a nutrient that can improve blood circulation. Moreover, the high water content in watermelon facilitates the condition during rehydration.

Pickling contains a large amount of sodium-electrolyte, the level of which in the body decreases with excessive alcohol consumption. Including pickles or brine in your diet can help raise sodium levels and ease hangovers.

Spinach is rich in folic acid, a nutrient that is reduced by drinking large amounts of alcohol. A recent study showed that alcohol interferes with the absorption of folic acid, and regular consumption of alcohol can lead to its deficiency.

In addition, the list includes honey, crackers, nuts, avocados, meat, oatmeal, blueberries, chicken noodle soup, oranges, asparagus, salmon, sweet potatoes, ginger, water, tomato juice, green tea, coconut water and coffee.

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Author: alex

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