Scientists have found a connection between a heart attack and symptoms of depression

Heart attacks don't just happen Yes. They are usually a side effect of other health problems. A heart attack occurs when an artery that supplies the heart with blood and oxygen is blocked.

Scientists found a connection between heart attack and symptoms of depression

The culprit may be cholesterol, which contributes to the formation of plaques that clog arteries. British scientists managed to find out which disease is directly related to the occurrence of heart diseases.

New research has shown that symptoms of depression increase the risk of heart disease and stroke. Specialists from the University of Cambridge analyzed the medical records of more than half a million people who had no history of heart disease or circulatory problems.

The study was conducted on the basis of a questionnaire. Scientists analyzed the mood of people for signs of depression. The results were divided into five groups depending on the severity of the symptoms.

10 years later, researchers found that people in the most severe depressive state were more likely to develop heart disease or suffer a stroke.

British scientists provide the following figures: in the group of those who had pronounced symptoms of depression for 10 years, 21 cases of heart disease were recorded per 1000 people. In people with a better mental state, 14 cases per 1,000 people were registered.

It is clarified that the risk of cardiovascular diseases and stroke was calculated taking into account all factors, such as age, sex, smoking, history of diabetes, blood blood pressure, body mass index and cholesterol level.

Professor Nilesh Samani said that by investigating this connection further, scientists will be able to find new ways to support heart health.

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Author: alex

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