Scientists have found a connection between skipping breakfast and headaches
According to According to many studies, breakfast is the most important meal. And its omission can lead to serious consequences for health. Scientists have found out that people who do not eat breakfast have an increased risk of developing an unpleasant condition.
It is about primary headaches. These are pains that are not symptoms or consequences of any other diseases. These include migraines, headaches from tension or excessive physical exertion, as well as pain in certain parts of the head.
In one study, experts studied the relationship between the habit of eating breakfast and primary headaches in students. To do this, scientists analyzed information on 83,677 university students aged 18 to 28.
It turned out that primary headaches were common among 9% of study participants. At the same time, an inverse relationship between eating breakfast and the probability of such pains was found.
“Students who ate breakfast often had a 26% lower probability of primary headaches than those who ate breakfast less often. one day a week”, experts said. At the same time, this relationship was less pronounced in male students, as well as in overweight or obese students.
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