Scientists have found a connection between the consumption of white bread and an increased risk of premature death

Consumption of white bread is associated with an increased risk of premature death. Corresponding conclusions were drawn based on the results of a study conducted by Canadian scientists.

Experts established that the regular inclusion of processed grain products in the diet is dangerous for the body. This applies to bread, pasta, croissants, etc. they have a lot of refined carbohydrates, but there is practically no fiber, which speeds up the assimilation process.

After eating these products, the blood sugar level rises. It is better to choose whole grain analogues for replacement. Scientists conducted a study that showed that people who consumed more than seven servings of refined carbohydrates during the day had a 27% higher risk of premature death.

In addition, in this group, the probability of developing heart disease, stroke increased by 33%. the indicator was 47%.

Professor Scott Lear, one of the main authors of the scientific work, notes that the findings only confirm the need to reduce processed and refined products as part of a healthy diet. It is better to add a mixture of cereals with a minimum of refined wheat to the daily menu.

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Author: alex

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