Scientists have found a method to effectively treat the most common cancer in men without surgery or radiation therapy

Researchers at Imperial College London said that non-invasive (bloodless) treatment of prostate cancer can be effective – this possibility is provided by focal therapy.

This treatment technique prevents side effects associated with surgery and radiation therapy, and patients can recover at home.

Focal therapy is a targeted effect not on the entire organ, but on a certain cell in it. In particular, to destroy prostate carcinoma foci, they currently use focused ultrasound to heat cancerous tissue with millimeter accuracy or cryotherapy to cool it down.

Few public hospitals have the necessary equipment, so doctors are skeptical due to the lack of long-term data, explains in messages.

At the same time, a leading expert on prostate cancer, Professor Hashim Ahmed, said that “although focal therapy is not suitable for everyone, thousands of such patients appear every year, and they should be fully informed about this possibility”.< /p>

As scientists said, drinking several cups of coffee every day can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. In the course of the study, the data of more than 1 million men were studied, of which almost 58 thousand were diagnosed with the disease.

It showed that each additional daily cup of coffee reduces the relative risk of developing an oncological disease by almost 1%.


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Author: alex

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