Scientists have found a new way to treat high cholesterol
High cholesterol is dangerous for health, because increases the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Statins are often prescribed as a treatment for this condition. However, the amazing compounds contained in the peel of citrus fruits will help fight cholesterol more effectively, scientists believe.
High cholesterol is difficult to detect because it has no symptoms, but as the condition worsens, complications are more likely to occur. The fatty substance that characterizes this pathology is dangerous because it leads to the formation of plaques on the walls of arteries, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke. Meanwhile, one study found that compounds found in citrus peels can lower bad cholesterol by up to 40%.
According to the National Health Service, “two out of five people have elevated cholesterol, which puts them at significant risk of developing heart disease. Around 6.5 million adults in England are currently taking lipid-lowering drugs “such as statins”.
However, a study published in Science Daily claims that antioxidant compounds found in citrus peels , can “lower high cholesterol more effectively than some prescription drugs, and have no side effects.”
Elevated cholesterol is characterized by high levels of high-density lipoproteins circulating in the blood, which are also called “bad” cholesterol.
The fatty substance collects on the walls of the arteries, narrowing them and limiting blood flow.
“Our study showed that polymethoxylated flavonoids (PMF) lower cholesterol more effectively than any other citrus flavonoids,” says Dr. Elzbieta Kurowska, lead author of the study and vice president of research at KGK Synergies in Ontario, Canada.
“We believe that PMFs can compete with, and even outperform, prescription drugs in lowering cholesterol. At the same time, there is no risk of unwanted phenomena,” the authors of the study add.
The results of the study are supported by an experiment on hamsters, which had a high cholesterol level due to the diet.
The researchers showed that, if you feed an animal with products containing 1% PMF, the level of LDL-cholesterol will decrease by 32-40%.
Polymethoxylated flavonoids are found in a wide range of foods, the most common form of this antioxidant is found in the peel of tangerines and oranges.
According to the study, these compounds have shown promise as an effective and natural alternative for lowering LDL-cholesterol.
The results, published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, also indicate that PMF shares many common health benefits with numerous other compounds found in citrus fruits.
An independent study found a positive association with similar flavonoids, such as hesperidin (in oranges) and naringenin (in grapefruit).
According to work published in the Journal of Integrative Food, Nutrition and Metabolism , bergamot also lowers total cholesterol by 29% and LDL cholesterol by 52%.
However, according to Dr. Kurovska, although citrus drinks can bring significant health benefits, polymethoxylated flavonoids may be more effective. drink 20 or more glasses of orange or grapefruit juice.
PMF is thought to work by inhibiting the synthesis of cholesterol and triglycerides in the liver.
According to Healthline, even small amounts of lemon peel very useful Just one teaspoon contains 9% of the daily value of vitamin C.
Some compounds found in the skin of the fruit reduce the risk of tooth decay and the development of periodontitis, thereby supporting oral health.
< p>Moreover, d-limonene is associated with a reduction in the risk of certain pathologies, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes.
This effect is due to the activity of antioxidants contained in the fruit, which prevent cell damage by fighting free radicals in the body.
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