Scientists have found a way to improve heart health

On the benefits of physical exercise for cardiovascular health system says a lot. Scientists from the USA and Japan conducted a new study to understand how exercise affects the heart muscle – the myocardium. They focused on studying the state of health in left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy, a common pathology characterized by increased wall thickness and LV mass.

As the researchers note in their work, individuals with such hypertrophy and elevated levels of cardiac biomarkers in middle age have an increased risk of developing heart failure (HF) with a preserved ejection fraction (a common variant of HF).

46 people participated in the study. Some of them engaged in high-intensity training during the year. 31 participants reached the end of the study. The average age of the participants in the training group was 54 years ± 6 years.

As the examination showed, their maximum load increased by 21% in a year, and the stiffness of the LV myocardium decreased, while in the control group there were significant changes did not happen.

Thus, scientists conclude, exercise can provide protection against the future risk of heart failure.

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Author: alex

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