Scientists have found a way to prevent heart attacks
Calcium and fatty deposits accumulate on their inner walls in case of pathologies of blood vessels , which reduce blood flow. This is the main cause of heart attacks and strokes. However, experts found out that eating the simplest vegetables can significantly reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.
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For example, as a result of a study conducted by an international group of scientists, it was found that in elderly women who ate about 400 grams of cruciferous vegetables per day, the probability of calcium accumulation in the aorta, the main vessel that drains blood from the heart, was lower by 46%. “In our previous studies, we found that those who consumed more of these vegetables had a reduced risk of clinical cardiovascular disease, such as heart attack or stroke, but we didn't know why,” said Lauren Blackenhorst of Edith Cowan University. in Australia.
The cruciferous family, as you know, includes broccoli, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts and white cabbage. Scientists believe that the key role in suppressing the calcification of blood vessels belongs to vitamin K, which is abundantly contained in these vegetables. “We found that older women who consumed more cruciferous vegetables each day were less likely to develop large calcifications in the aorta,” Dr. Blackenhorst explained. According to her, to support your body, you need to include various vegetables in your diet. A poor diet is the cause of most cardiovascular diseases, while a balanced diet promotes the health of our arteries and ultimately our hearts.
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