Scientists have found black coffee without sugar to be good for the heart
American scientists say that daily consumption of black coffee is good for the heart. The drink must be prepared without sugar.
Scientists conducted a study and found that coffee drinkers are at risk of developing heart failure over time it decreases by 5-12% – this is an indicator for each cup of drink when consumed every day. It is noted that decaffeinated coffee does not differ in this benefit.
Another study was also conducted. According to his results, people who do not drink coffee at all or consume less than a cup a day have an earlier risk of heart failure. Volunteers drinking more than 2 cups a day reduced their risk of developing the disease by 30%.
Not so long ago, caffeine was considered incredibly harmful to the body, especially to the heart. Scientists have conducted numerous works and firmly stated that coffee has a place in a healthy diet, if you do not add sugar, milk or heavy cream to the drink. So the health benefits will be enormous and there is no need to give up your favorite drink.
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