Scientists have found out how shift work affects memory and brain functions

Shift work is associated with poorer working memory (the type of memory that allows a person to retain the information they are working with in their mind) and slower mental processing speed. This conclusion was reached by a team of Austrian scientists based on an analysis of studies that studied the cognitive abilities of working adults.

The results were published in the journal Occupational & Environmental Medicine. In total, experts analyzed 18 studies involving more than 18,000 people. The average age of the participants was 35 years. Information processing speed, working memory, cognitive control, visual attention, ability to switch between different tasks were analyzed.

As the analysis showed, in those who worked in shifts, almost all indicators were worse than in workers whose work schedule was regular. The most significant effect was observed for impulse control (the parameter refers to impulses, primarily related to what a person wants or desires) and situational reaction. The effect of information processing speed, working memory, and visual attention was also significant, but not so great.

Researchers explain that based on the analyzed studies, it is not yet possible to conclude that shift work really impairs brain performance. However, these data are a reason to think about the greater safety of the work process and the health of workers with a variable schedule.

“Decreased neurobehavioral indicators in people working in shifts can play an important role in terms of industrial injuries and errors”, – it is indicated in research As measures that can reduce the risk of adverse consequences, scientists suggest options such as daytime sleep and regular health monitoring.

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Author: alex

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