Scientists have found out how to prepare the most useful coffee for breakfast
Coffee – one of the most popular drinks in the whole world. Having studied the connection between the methods of its preparation and the risk of heart attacks and premature death, scientists came to the conclusion that the safest drink is filtered.
It turned out that such coffee contains a minimum of substances capable of increasing the level of harmful cholesterol in of blood “Our study provides compelling evidence of a link between coffee preparation methods, heart attacks and longevity,” said study author Professor Dag S. Telle from the University of Gothenburg, Sweden.
The scientist found that coffee consumption increases associated with elevated levels of total cholesterol and “bad” LDL cholesterol to such an extent that the drink can have detrimental effects on heart health. Experiments revealed “guilty” substances, but researchers found that they can be removed using a filter, writes Science Daily. According to scientists, a cup of unfiltered coffee contains about 30 times more lipids than filtered coffee.
Overall, drinking coffee is not a dangerous habit, but the filtered drink was associated with a 15% reduction in the risk of death from any what reason As for cardiovascular diseases, such coffee reduced the risk of death from them by 12% in men and by 20% in women compared to those who did not drink coffee at all.
In addition, it was found that that drinking unfiltered coffee is more beneficial than giving up the drink altogether. The rule did not work only on men aged 60 and older – in them unfiltered coffee turned out to be associated with increased mortality from cardiovascular diseases.
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