Scientists have found out how watching movies before going to bed affects its quality

Scientists from the University of Delaware tested how the use of media before sleep affects its quality. Watching movies, TV or YouTube videos, searching for information on the Internet and listening to music were taken into account.

58 adults took part in the study. They kept diaries in which they recorded how much time they spent on media. Total sleep time and sleep quality were recorded using an electroencephalogram.

Media use one hour before bedtime was associated with an earlier bedtime. When bedtime use did not involve multitasking and was done in bed, it was also associated with increased total sleep time.

However, prolonged media use was associated with later bedtimes and shorter total sleep time. At the same time, no effect on the quality of sleep was detected.

“If you are going to watch TV or listen to music before going to bed, do it purposefully and for a short period of time. This way you will avoid negative effects on sleep,” says the lead author of the study, Dr. Morgan Ellithorpe from the University of Delaware.

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Author: alex

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