Scientists have found out what benefits and harms cycling brings to men's health
Cycling reduces the risk of potency problems in men, but at the same time threatens to narrow the lumen of the urethra. In a new study, scientists have revealed the benefits and harms of cycling for men's health.
Researchers from the University of California, San Francisco, have said that, contrary to popular belief, cycling does not increase the risk of impotence in men. On the contrary, cycling is very beneficial in this regard – cyclists actually have fewer erectile dysfunctions than people who engage in other sports.
The authors of the study analyzed health data on almost 4,000 men who regularly engaged in sports at an amateur level. They were divided into three groups: cyclists, runners and swimmers. The men in these groups were of the same age, had the same body mass index and identical comorbidities. The experts found out what problems with urination and potency were inherent in these participants. They were also examined for the presence of biomarkers of chronic prostatitis.
As a result, it was found that cycling is in many ways very beneficial for men's health.
“Cyclist have fewer potency disorders than men involved in other sports. Problems with urination or chronic prostatitis are no more common in cyclists than in other men,” the scientists stated.
At the same time, the researchers noted factors associated with the potential harm of cycling for men. In particular, according to them, cyclists are much more likely to suffer from perineal numbness, to prevent which experts recommend periodically getting up from the seat and standing on the pedals. The study also showed that cyclists are 2.5 times more likely to develop urethral strictures (narrowing of the urethral lumen) due to injuries sustained during a fall.
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