Scientists have found out what risks physical activity reduces

The oncologist spoke about research into the practical benefits of physical activity activity.

As the doctor said, recently British scientists were able to prove the benefits of regular training through research and explained what changes occur in the body during sports.

78 people participated in the study, who suffer from arthritis, a chronic inflammatory disease of the joints. Of them, 38 people devoted 15 minutes to exercises aimed at strengthening muscles every day for 6 weeks, the other 40 did nothing.

As a result, those volunteers who exercised regularly experienced a decrease in pain, a decrease in the level of cytokines (inflammation mediators), and more bacteria that produce anti-inflammatory substances appeared in the intestinal microbiota.

In addition, active production of endocannabinoids was recorded in these participants, whose properties resemble the effect of the plant cannabis (marijuana ). The increase in this indicator is directly related to the improvement of the intestinal microbiome.

“The results of the study are of great practical importance. It turns out that even moderate regular physical activity reduces chronic inflammation in the body. That chronic inflammation, which is considered a trigger for the development of arthritis, diseases of the cardiovascular system and colon cancer,” explained the doctor.

In this regard, she advised to implement daily physical education classes on a permanent basis.

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Author: alex

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