Scientists have found out what threatens the containment of gases

Scientists from Newcastle University have found that holding in gas is dangerous for diverticulitis. Diverticulitis is an inflammation or infection of one or more sac-like protrusions (diverticula) of the intestine, which resemble a small balloon. It can begin to develop in people who have a habit of blocking the natural process.

On average, a person releases 700 ml of gas in less than a day. Gases have a heterogeneous composition. Most often, it is 50% hydrogen, followed by carbon dioxide and nitrogen.

The composition of the gas mixture (aka flatus) in healthy people consists of nitrogen N2 – 24-90%, carbon dioxide CO2 – 4.3-29%, oxygen O2 – 0.1-23%, hydrogen H2 – 0.6-47%, methane CH4 – 0-26%, a small amount of hydrogen sulfide H2S, ammonia NH3, volatile mercaptans.

Scientists analyzed the physiology of gas formation and came to the conclusion that accumulations have a negative impact on health if they are held back for a long time.

In some cases, gases can change direction and come out through the mouth.

There may be contraindications. Before use or if you have health problems, be sure to consult a specialist (doctor).

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Author: alex

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