Scientists have found out when it is good for health to retire
It turned out that in order to preserve longevity and a clear mind in old age, it is important when a person stopped working and went on a well-deserved rest.
Scientists from Uppsala University (Sweden) decided to find out how much the age at which a person retires can affect his longevity.
According to the results of their research, it turned out that among those elderly people who stop working later, they suffer less from Alzheimer's disease. However, diet also plays an important role.
It is known that 500 70-year-old men and women took part in the study. Scientists offered the respondents a questionnaire in which they had to answer questions related to their lifestyle, diseases and nutrition.
After the elderly people finished with the questionnaires, they were divided into three groups. But they did it not randomly, but depending on the diet. In this way, experts singled out people who prefer protein food and eat little carbohydrates. Such a diet is considered a Mediterranean type of diet.
It is noteworthy that after 12 years, the authors of the study again examined their wards, who were already over 80 years old.
It turned out that 79 people developed dementia, 48 pensioners suffered from Alzheimer's disease. And another 105 patients complained of poor memory, problems with cognitive functions, speech difficulties.
It is noteworthy that those people who were from the Mediterranean diet group had problems with memory and language, as well as dementia and Alzheimer's were observed less frequently. According to the authors of the study, this type of diet made it possible to reduce the risk of age-related problems listed earlier by 70 percent.
One of the authors of the study, Erika Ulsson, explained that eating legumes, fruits, fish, vegetables, and whole grains slowed down the destruction. cognitive functions.
– In our research, we also noted one more important thing. It turned out that elderly people who led an active lifestyle, maintained social ties and had favorite activities suffered less from age-related diseases than their peers. Those who continued to work after retirement stood out. A favorite activity helped these people maintain a clear mind and a sufficient level of memory. Those who continued to work at the age of 80 coped best with the tasks, says Erika Ulsson.
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