Scientists have found out which eating habit leads to rapid aging of the brain
0 < p>Scientists conducted a study in which the effect of the use of certain products on the brain of elderly people was studied. As a result of the experiment, it was found out which eating habit causes the brain to age faster.
5001 people took part in the study. Each followed a Mediterranean diet for 20 years. It included daily consumption of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, fish, nuts and seeds. Every three days, the participants filled out questionnaires about their diet.
As a result, scientists found that those who dieted more often than others had a slower decline in mental performance. It also turned out that their brains became an average of 5.8 years younger.
However, those who periodically consumed the products of the “Western diet” minimized the benefits of the Mediterranean diet. According to scientists, it did not have any beneficial effect on human cognitive functions. The products of the “Western diet” include sweets, red and processed meat, dairy products!
According to Ph.D., nutritionist Pooja Agarwal, red and processed meat, fried food and insufficient consumption of whole grain products associated with a higher risk of inflammation and a rapid decline in mental capacity in old age.
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