Scientists have found out which fruit increases muscle strength
After 30 years, muscle mass decreases 3-5% faster. If no action is taken, by old age the loss of muscle strength can cause functional impairment, an increased risk of falls, and a higher risk of death. Scientists have found out that a fruit available in any store is able to keep muscles in good shape.
A nutritionist explains that urolithin improves muscle strength by revitalizing mitochondria – the cell's power plant. This has been clinically proven. The human body gets it from a group of compounds called ellagitannins. They, in turn, are contained in pomegranate.
Research shows that two glasses of pomegranate juice before and after training improves muscle recovery. Pomegranate is also rich in fiber and vitamin C, which has a positive effect on the work of the intestines and digestion in general. A serving of about ½ cup of pomegranate seeds provides 3.5 grams of fiber and 14% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C, reports MSN Lifestyle. yams The fact is that certain intestinal bacteria convert pomegranate compounds into urolithin. Not everyone has them. Only 30-40% of people have them in their body.
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