Scientists have found out which juice can reduce the risk of brain injury

American scientists conducted a study involving 99 pregnant women to determine which juice exposure can protect the fetus from brain injuries during fetal development.

Such injuries can cause fetal growth retardation, which occurs due to lack of nutrients and of oxygen entering the newborn's body. The cause of this shortage may be a damaged placenta. As noted, this diagnosis occurs in one out of ten babies, which increases the risk of death or impaired development of the nervous system.

In the study, it is said that American scientists divided pregnant women into several groups according to the level of consumption of pomegranate juice. The experiment showed that daily consumption of this drink has a positive effect on reducing the risk of head injuries, especially in the third trimester. It is during this period that the central nervous system of the fetus is particularly vulnerable.

The effect of pomegranate juice is explained by its high content of antioxidant polyphenols, which are also found in green tea, berries, red wine and almonds. When using these products, polyphenols penetrate through the blood-brain barrier, which helps in the prevention of neurodegenerative diseases.

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Author: alex

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