Scientists have found the key to solving life after 100 years – it is hidden in the intestines


From 300 to 500 different types of bacteria, containing almost two million genes, live in the intestines. Together with other organisms, they make up the so-called microbiota, which is unique to each person.

Research has shown that people who live to be 100 years old are more likely to carry certain bacteria in their intestines that produce powerful antimicrobial compounds.

For the study, the researchers analyzed the microbiology of long-lived people based on stool samples collected from 160 people over the age of 100. They compared the microbiota of the long-lived people with the microbiota of 122 elderly people between the ages of 85 and 89 and 47 people between the ages of 21 and 55.

The study found that odirobacteriaceae is a bacterium that stops the growth of other dangerous bacteria by producing unique bile acids, was mainly present in the intestines of people over 100 years old.

From the samples, the researchers noticed that long-lived people were enriched with intestinal microbes capable of producing a unique bile acid, compared to older and younger people.< /p>

According to the National Institutes of Health, bile is a liquid produced by the liver and stored in the gallbladder. Bile acids are bile compounds that aid digestion.

The author of the study, Professor Kenya Honda from Keio Medical University in Tokyo:

“It is possible that genetic factors and diet affect the composition of the intestinal microbiota . They can also be inherited, but we have no data to indicate this possibility.”

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Author: alex

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