Scientists have found the most important vitamin for the elderly
As it turned out, the ability to move independently and perform household chores is associated with vitamin K1.
Recently, the results of a study conducted by a group of nutrition and aging specialists from Tufts University and the Wake Forest and North Carolina State University Schools of Medicine (USA) were published in the Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences.
The study analyzed data from more than 1,300 men and women aged 70-79. It turned out that there is a direct connection between the level of vitamin K1 circulating in the blood and the ability to move normally. The lower the level of vitamin K1 in the blood, the more difficult it is for an elderly person to move without help.
For example, those study participants whose K1 level was below the norm had mobility restrictions 1.5 times higher than those whose vitamin level was normal. Moreover, this ratio was the same for both men and women.
To normalize this indicator, doctors recommend regularly consuming foods high in vitamin K1. It is found most in green leafy vegetables – various types of cabbage, spinach, lettuce. The vitamin is also found in green tea, parsley, bananas, kiwi and avocado.
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