Scientists have identified brain diseases caused by insomnia
Brain diseases caused by cognitive disorders, up to dementia, can be a consequence of chronic lack of sleep. This conclusion was made by scientists from the Medical College of the University of Pennsylvania, USA.
Scientists have determined that insomnia and sleep lasting less than six hours a day contribute to the development of persistent cognitive problems.
“Regular lack of sleep doubles the risk of impaired cognitive functions, up to dementia”, – the opinion of experts in the medical journal Sleep.
Researchers were able to identify brain diseases caused by insomnia by observing the sleep of people who suffer from poor sleep quality. According to experts, the most frequent disorders caused by insomnia are inability to fall asleep on time and frequent awakenings at night. This prevents the brain from fully resting and being completely cleansed of potentially harmful substances, experts note. As a result, the risk of brain diseases and other dangerous abnormalities increases.
“Middle-aged and older people who suffer from sleep disorders are more likely to develop premature dementia. In addition, a lack of sleep provokes the development of cardiovascular and endocrine diseases, including diabetes, depression, and a number of mental disorders,” the authors of the project determined.
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