Scientists have identified the most dangerous blood group
Harvard University scientists conducted a number of mass research, then published an article ” Yes, your blood group affects your health. ”
This article refers to blood blood groups. Scientists have proven that the most dangerous group is AB (IV) Rh with a negative rhesus. The article also states that people with such a blood group on Earth have little – only 8 percent.
especially scientists note that people with such blood group rare . An extremely rare occasion, experts say that people, especially in men, with such a group are born different children.
they write about women with such a blood type. According to them, they have more often than others have oncological diseases. They found that people with such a blood group are prone to brain changes, in particular. They are more likely to have thinking and memory problems. They are also more likely to develop stroke and dementia. They communicate with. People with this group need to eat properly. He says they better eat turkey, rabbit or ram meat, do not eat fat and butter.
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