Scientists have learned which cheese is the most useful
Cheese is a very fat product. When healthy food came into fashion, many manufacturers began to produce cheeses with a fat content of less than 20%. But what cheese still benefits? The participants of the study were divided into three groups. The first group received 80 grams of common cheese daily, the second group – as much low -fat cheese, and the third group cheese in the diet was replaced by a sandwich with jam. Otherwise, they fed equally. The experiment lasted four months.
at the end of the experiment it turned out that all participants did not change the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. But those who ate regular cheese daily have increased the level of “good” cholesterol. That is, cheese helps to reduce the risk of blood clots, diseases of the cardiovascular system, metabolic syndrome and other diseases. In some diseases including obesity, cheese is better excluded from the diet.
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