Scientists have linked a chronically stuffy nose to malfunctions in the brain
Chronic rhinosinusitis (nasal congestion with headaches) may be associated with changes in brain activity.
Scientists from Harvard Medical School, the University of Washington and the University of California (USA) conducted a study with the participation of 44 people, half of whom were a control group that had chronic rhinosinusitis, and the same number – an experimental group whose members did not suffer from this disease.
Participants were analyzed with the help of MRI of the blood flow in their brain and the activity of neurons.
Otolaryngologist Aria Jafari explained that patients with sinusitis do not rush to seek help from specialists, but the disease gradually affects their interaction with the world. . It becomes difficult for a person to think, he sleeps poorly, the quality of his life deteriorates.
The study found that those patients who suffered from inflammation of the nasal sinuses had lower functional connectivity in the fronto-parietal part of the brain, which is responsible for focusing attention when solving problems. They also noticed such dysfunctions as mind wandering, low functional connectivity, low level of social behavior.
The most obvious differences were observed in people with severe forms of nasal congestion. But no significant signs of cognitive decline were found in testing.
Feelings of decreased attention, difficulty concentrating, or sleep disturbances experienced by a person with sinusitis may be due to small changes in , as the areas of the brain that control these functions interact with each other.
According to researcher Khrystyna Simonyan, modern methods of treating this disease can last several years, while the severity of the disease can manifest itself cyclically. Doctors fight this problem with surgery, but they do not guarantee that it will definitely not return.
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