Scientists have linked longevity to 10 daily habits
Researchers talked about 10 daily habits that can comprehensively strengthen health and add several years to life. At the same time, they are affordable and simple.
In many ways, experts say, the risks of early death are associated with excess weight – this affects the work of a large number of vital organs. Therefore, they add, for longevity it is necessary not only to give up harmful habits and follow a healthy diet, but also not to forget about weight.
The first important habit that can prolong life is walking. Experts clarify that it can be done anywhere – in the fresh air or in the office.
The second habit is regular preparation of healthy food. Scientists advise to completely exclude unhealthy food from the diet.
The third is listening to your favorite music. It is noted that it can lift the mood and motivate. Especially during sports.
It is also recommended to take care of yourself as often as possible. According to researchers from Ohio State University, people who approach this point more responsibly are much more likely to follow a healthy diet.
The list of the most “healthy” daily habits for longevity also included making smoothies, walking in the fresh air , moderate coffee consumption. In addition, scientists advise paying attention to hobbies, monitoring the amount of sleep and sharing photos of cooked dishes on the Internet. It is believed that this forces a person to monitor the volume of portions and the contents of the plate.
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