Scientists have listed foods that kill memory

Many people fear that they will start to lose their memory with age 'yeah This process can be the beginning of a more serious problem — dementia, one of which is Alzheimer's disease.

Everyone understands that diet affects a person's appearance, but few think about its effect on the brain. Scientists from Ohio State University in the USA presented a new work in the journal Brain, Behavior, and Immunity.

They conducted research on rats of different ages. One group lived for a month on chips, ready-made frozen meals and meat delicacies (an example of an unhealthy diet). As a result, behavioral tests showed that the elderly rats had memory problems. A similar effect was not observed in young animals.

Associate professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Health, researcher at the Ohio State University Behavioral Medicine Research Institute

Scientists found problems with the amygdala and hippocampus. These parts of the brain regulate emotions, learning, and memory, respectively. In contrast to the younger rats, in the elderly animals that were on a sick diet, inflammatory reactions were observed in both brain regions.

“The amygdala in humans is associated with memories, emotional events – fear and anxiety. If this area of ​​the brain is not working, danger signals can be misinterpreted,” says Ruth M. Barrientos, associate professor of psychiatry and behavioral health, research fellow at Ohio State University's Institute for Research in Behavioral Medicine.

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Author: alex

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