Scientists have listed popular drinks that increase blood pressure

High blood pressure can cause damage inner walls of arteries and the formation of plaques. This, in turn, leads to an increased risk of developing cardiovascular diseases. Scientists have found out that blood pressure can be increased by many popular drinks.

Too many energy drinks

According to a Mayo Clinic study, energy drinks raise blood pressure. 25 healthy people with an average age of 29 took part in the experiment. The researchers took blood samples from the subjects and measured their blood pressure 30 minutes after the participants finished drinking Energetic. It was found to cause a 6.2% increase in systolic blood pressure and a 6.8% increase in diastolic blood pressure.

A lot of caffeine

Caffeine also has a negative effect on blood pressure. However, it is individual for each person. “To see if caffeine can raise your blood pressure, test it before you drink caffeine and again 30 to 120 minutes after,” advises Dr. Sheldon Scheps of the Mayo Clinic. If the blood pressure rises by about 5-10 points, then you need to limit the use of caffeine.

Consumption of carbonated water and milkshakes

You also need to be careful with carbonated drinks and sweet cocktails. Many of them contain caffeine, but other than that, they are very high in calories. Frequent consumption of such drinks leads to weight gain, which, in turn, increases the risk of hypertension.

Alcohol abuse

Alcohol can also increase blood pressure. Infrequent use of alcohol has only a temporary effect on blood pressure. However, if you drink alcohol regularly, it leads to a chronic increase in indicators, said cardiologist Francisco Lopez-Jimenez.

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Author: alex

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