Scientists have named 7 proven reasons to eat more blueberries
The research group of scientists GreenMedInfo presented 7 proven reasons in favor of eating blueberries. This list includes the prevention of heart disease and early brain aging.
The first argument concerns the findings of scientists from the University of East Anglia, who analyzed the berry consumption habits of 93,600 women aged 25 to 42.
As the results showed, women who ate three or more servings of blueberries and strawberries per week reduced their risk of heart attack by a third. This trend was not observed in other female volunteers.
It also turned out that this berry lowers blood pressure, which was proven by an experiment in which half of the participants were given 22 grams of freeze-dried blueberry powder every day, in contrast to the group taking a placebo.
After just 8 weeks, the first group of subjects had an average decrease in systolic (5.1%) and diastolic (6.3%) blood pressure. In addition, there was an average reduction in arterial stiffness of 6.5%.
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