Scientists have named a common feature that all happy couples have

Respect, trust and loyalty are the keys to healthy relationships. But there is another important component, and scientists have established it. Researchers from Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg (MLU) and the University of Bamberg surveyed 181 couples who had been together for an average of eight years and had lived together for at least one month. Participants filled out a questionnaire in which they talked about various aspects of their relationship.

Researchers found that the happiest couples were those in which both partners felt a high level of their power. 

Power is understood as the ability to influence others and avoid the same in one's direction. When it comes to partnerships, it's about being able to make important decisions together.

According to research, the most important factor in relationship satisfaction is not the balance of power, but the personal level of power assumed by the partner.

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Author: alex

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